Pickleball Skills Lessons and Monthly Clinic
Location: Arrow Creek Park- Pickleball Courts
4445 Buford Highway, Chamblee, GA, 30341
6 week pickleball classes taught by instructor Jason Belknap
Participants will need to bring their own paddle.
Level 1/2: Beginner/Intermediate Class
Tuesdays 6pm - Class starts April 15th - 6 weeks
Cost: $60 - $70
This player:
- Can keep score
- understands and uses fundamental strokes and tactics
- is learning court positioning
- knows the basic rules
- can serve and return deep into the opponents’ territory
Through a combination of basic+ drills and play this player will be taught:
- to increase stroke skills
- to add directionality to stokes
- to move to the NVZ when appropriate
- to sustain rallies for a short time with players of equal ability
- to recognize unforced errors
Level 3/4: Intermediate/Advanced Class
Tuesdays 7pm - Class starts April 15th - 6 weeks
Cost: $60 - $70
** This player moves quickly towards the non-volley zone (NVZ) when the opportunity is there. This player acknowledges the difference between hard and soft games and is starting to vary their own game during recreation play. This player can sustain rallies and is developing the ability to control shots (forehand, backhand, dink, volley, serve, return) and knows and understands scoring, court positioning and court awareness.
The player will be taught through a combination of high-intensity drills and game play to:
- Be aware of the partner's position on the court and therefore move as a team
- Demonstrate the ability to change direction in an offensive manner
- Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the rules of the game
- Reduce the number of unforced errors per game
- Demonstrate a solid understanding of stacking and when and how it could be used in play
- Identify opponents’ weaknesses and attempt to formulate game plan to attack weaknesses
Introduction to Pickleball: Date TBD
Cost: $35 - $45
This player:
Has no experience and would like a basic introduction to the sport
This player will be taught:
- the basic stroke tactics and techniques
- the basic positioning on the court
- a few of the basic rules